Intentional Life

Those two words are some of the biggest that I can think of.  Not necessarily on the syllable level but more in the context of what that means, at ITG we desperately try to live out an intentional life.  We try to examine every action, every interaction, every word, every thought to ensure that we are being what God desires.  Now I do not want that to come off pious because I am not saying that it always happens I am just describing what we are trying to live out.  And I am sure that anyone that knows us personally can point out an area of hypocrisy in that however the fact remains the same; we are very serious about living intentionally

One of our daughters recently told us that we intimidate her friends because we always look so serious and they know that we are not going to tolerate foolishness.  And that brings a smile and a frown all at the same time.  We do not ever want to come across intimidating; but I do want to be seen as intentional.  As I was reading this morning I can to this verse in the first chapter of Jeremiah:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 ESV

Now that sounds intentional, this verse is a word from the Lord to Jeremiah about the purpose of his life.  And if that is God’s methods, meaning that He creates us with an intentional purpose then why should we live in a way that is unintentional.  But I think what happens is that we let the busyness of life take over our intentions.  And we allow our exhaustion from that busyness collapse our intentions.  And then we begin to allow the culture to dictate our intentions.

For example: do we truly consider Halloween and is origins and purposes before we as believers celebrate it?  Do we consider that Deuteronomy 18:9-14 prohibits believers from entertaining divination, fortune telling, sorcery, wizardry, and necromancy because it is an abomination to the Lord.  Do we live intentionally in the world to be a light rather than be of the world and let culture dictate the things that we accept into our lives and our homes?  I know that might have been a hot button topic as an example and if I did upset you please know that was not my intention.

My intention is to urge and cause us as believers to think about what we do and more importantly why we do what we do.



As always we at ITG have wanted to use our writings for truth, confession, healing and hopefully to minister to others so that as Paul says in Ephesians 4:15, “we will in all things grow up in Him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” So in that thought I have a confession to make:


I am EXHAUSTED from my calendar which has more things on it than hours in the day and more events that one human can do at one time.  I am EXHAUSTED from work; the demands that a full-time, short-handed; on call rotation, doesn’t ever quite leave the brain type work.  I am EXHAUSTED from what it takes to raise a family the right way with constant interaction, complete never lacking diligence in protection, spiritual guidance, supervision, provision, and being the Dad that I hope to be.  I am EXHAUSTED from trying to maintain the proper health and lose weight by eating right and exercising and oh yea I already mentioned the part about trying to find time to do that.  I am EXHAUSTED from the energy that a great marriage takes in sacrifice, communication, trying to date, trying to have a moment to talk without a kid climbing, running, upset, or needing.  I am EXHAUSTED from constantly fighting Satan and his demons from their attacks of my own sin, this fallen world and its desires, and the constant pull of my flesh to flee from the things of God.


However as I was reading my Bible this morning I received an email from a gentlemen that referenced a verse so I looked it up.

Nehemiah 4:14 (ESV)
14 And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.”

Could that be anymore of a charge, directive, command (or whatever word you want) from God?  We are to FIGHT through exhaustion because the LORD is great and awesome not because it is easy or not because we wont fail at times but because He simply IS.   So, today I am here to do as King Nebuchadnezzar did in the Book of Daniel.  In chapter 4 after he witnessed the LORD deliver Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego he said this:

King Nebuchadnezzar to all peoples, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you! It has seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders that the Most High God has done for me.

How great are his signs,
    how mighty his wonders!
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
    and his dominion endures from generation to generation.

So in my exhaustion I proclaim this:  God is great and because of HIM, I have a beautiful wife, 4 amazing kids, my health to be able to exercise, a job so that I can provide, and a CREATOR that loves me enough to go to the cross despite my sin, failures, and times that I simply want to give up.

Thank you and Praise you GOD!  You are “I AM”

“Husband”-ology 101

I want to share with all you husbands an article that my wife came across in her readings and shared with me.  The focus of the article is to help husbands provide security for their wives however I think that it is an article that all husbands and husbands-to-be should read.

However before you read it please read Ephesians 5:25-33 below.  This is our instructions on being a biblical husband from scripture which Paul shared with us.  Once you have read this part of Paul’s letter read the article and watch how scripture is put in plain applicable steps that we as husbands can put God’s commands into action.

25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.[a] 28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself…

Here is the article:

Uncertainty. It’s part of daily living.

We aren’t certain our alarms will wake us up on time, aren’t certain we’ll have enough gas to get to work, aren’t certain the kids finished all their homework, and aren’t certain we locked the door.

And we aren’t certain we will keep our job another month, aren’t certain we’ll have enough money to pay the rent, aren’t certain our kids will make the right choices when we aren’t around. The list goes on.

But when it comes to your wife feeling secure in your marriage there shouldn’t be uncertainty. She needs to be able to count on you, her husband. Here are some ways you can help make your wife feel secure.

1. Financial. It is up to you to make her feel secure by working hard, staying out of excessive debt, providing financial stability, and wisely planning a budget and sticking to it.

2. Children. Some days, your wife will want to catch a movie with friends or go run errands around town. Give her the freedom to do these things by knowing how to take care of the kids when she’s not there. Be active in learning how to feed them, bathe them, and put them to bed so that you can do it on your own when your wife is gone. She needs to have confidence in you so she can have that sense of security while she’s gone.

3. Relational. Too often, relational uncertainty is the root of a wife’s insecurity. Be sure that your wife is completely confident that you would never pursue an affair with another woman. Train your eyes to not look at other women, online or offline, so your wife can know you only have eyes for her.

Your wife also needs the security of knowing that you are on her team, that you are man of integrity and a man she can trust. She needs to know that you are committed to her for life.

What are some other ways you have made your wife feel secure?

If you want to read the article from the original author here is the link:



Secular straight to your heart

There are few times in this life that I have seen something that was secular used in such a way as to move the heart towards God.  For us at ITG we have absolutely fallen in love with and are encouraged greatly by WorshipMob’s version of “Say Something.”  It does a fantastic job of showing the contrast of our heart and God’s.  We pray that you will be blessed as we are through their cover..

Memories and Scars

What are some of the most memorable times in your life? Your wedding day, maybe the day a child was born? The day that you graduated from College or High School?

All of these are big days and will be a memory that I’m sure you will try to keep in your mind, but I bet even details from these big days might begin to fade a little over time. For example, on my Wedding day there are some details that no matter how hard I try I cannot remember. What food was served? Who was there? What time was it at? No matter how hard I try I just cannot remember those details, all I remember is the church bell ringing the doors opening and the most beautiful creation God ever created walking down the aisle to me and standing in front of me. I don’t remember what was said or if I even knew my name but I guess I did because there are not any stories of it going badly. My point is this: the most glorious day of my life and after almost 16 years there are certain memories that have faded and I just cannot remember.

The interesting thing to me about that is that I have a scar from the 3rd grade that I can tell you every detail about. To include how I received it, who was involved what my parents were doing at the time and I remember it vividly. To be completely honest I remember every scar that I have and how I got it. And I am positive that the four new scars that I have from my latest hospital stay will be forever embedded in my mind and a daily reminder of pneumonia and great infected lung incident of 2014.

Why do we remember the bad and horrible things so easily and on the opposite side of that coin have such troubles remembering the details from days that brought us so much joy? I am afraid that this trend follows us into our spiritual walk all to easily. We are so quick to forget what God has done in our lives but are able to so easily remember the sin that has either been done by us or to us all to well. Of course this is not an uncommon theme from scripture either as we see the Children of Israel are in a constant state of forgetfulness.

So I had to examine this and by no means is this exhaustive but I do after some reading feel this is an example of God’s light and Satan’s deception.

The simple fact is this: anything that impacts us is going to leave a mark. How bad of a mark depends on the object and the force that carries as it impacts us. An example would be a dodge ball and a bullet. The dodge ball may bruise us but after a couple of days you will not be able to tell where it hit, you might remember two weeks later but a year later is very unlikely. On the other hand a bullet will leave a scar that you will have for the rest of your life and I doubt that you will ever forget it.

Now take this analogy to sin. All sin has an impact! It may be like the dodge ball, it might just leave a little mark on your soul that no one can see and is very easily forgotten and reasoned out. Then there are some that are very public and will scar you forever. Scripture tells us in Numbers 32:23 that our sin is against the Lord and it will find us out. That means that it will be exposed and that even if no one on this planet ever finds it out it still leaves a mark. If you do not think that it does remember the beating and crucifixion that Christ experienced for your sin (Luke 22). All sin impacts someone!

And this is where the true battle of memories and scars comes into play. Everyone on this planet has a dark side that is constantly flirting with emotions and feelings and trying to lead you away from God’s path and desires. This “nature” is filled with demons and discouragement that will try to draw you into bad decisions with lies that it is harmless and even comical at times. But this darkness does nothing but promise happiness and freedom only to deliver bondage, death and scars. And for believers this darkness will hound you until you get to heaven so that leaves us with only one choice.

We have to live in the light. We must expose our darkness to the light of Christ if we want it to recoil. We must live in the light of accountability of other believers so that we can have boundaries from the darkness that prevails over this world. When we live in this light we have other believers that can pray for us, we have inspired scripture in the Word that can give us His wisdom and perspectives. We will have fellowship from other scarred believers that can encourage and give us the love we need from our Christian community. The Apostle John says it best this way in 1 John 1:7

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

John tells us that the enemy of sin and darkness is the light of Christ. This means that if we will walk away from the dangers of the darkness, if we will live in the light we will also be able to avoid the scars and consequences of the darkness.

We can only gain true joy and authentic relationships by living in the light of Christ and exposing our darkness to one another. This means ripping the band-aid off and allowing the light to heal those wounds. Some will scar and scar not only you but others as well.  However if the purifying light of Christ reaches that scar and exposes your soul to the God of this universe, that scar will be a tool that He uses to glorify His name.  Allowing the creation a joyful memory out of that scar, instead of a festered bitter infectious cancerous diseased sore.

Alone, even the strongest Christian will backslide into their darkness. We must surround ourselves with lovers of the light that will help us expose our darkness so that the scars and memories become more than just a symbol of pain and impact. They become a mark of freedom and in that God’s Kingdom is glorified and Christians all around can rejoice.


Fire to Fish

There are times when I read scripture that I am consistently blown away in how I see God doing something extraordinary for me.  In that He is just not teaching me something from His Word, but He is purposefully and intentionally showing me something that I need for that season in my life.  Right There!  Right Then! In that moment the Creator of the Earth who spoke the universe and all humanity into existence, was clearly and openly speaking to me.

I love when He shows me correlations in scripture to my own life in the narrative of those pages.  As in the history of the text He shows me something that seems as if the writer had knowledge of my position and situation.  It almost appears in fact as if the writer knew my thoughts and feelings; and could intimately address all of them by telling me a testimony of his friend and how he had gone through the same thing.  What an amazing, glorious, warming, caring, loving feeling that is.  To have the Heavenly Father reach down through the Holy Spirit to touch your heart in a way that says…”I know, I’m Here.”

This happened to me a few weeks past and it was humbling, exhilarating and to be honest, exhausting all at the same time.  It was one of those moments for me that I lose sleep over trying to figure out.  And I pray that I have one tomorrow, and the next day, and the following day.  Well actually I pray that I never quench that Voice!

So as quickly and simply as I can (which is always a challenge for me) here is what I discovered and to be honest I have not ever heard a sermon on it although I’m sure it has been covered.

Take a moment and go with me to the end of the Gospels where Jesus has been arrested and Peter is being challenged by the crowds that he is a follower of Christ.  Look at Luke 22:60-62 below:

Luke 22:60-62 (ESV)

60 But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are talking about.” And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the saying of the Lord, how he had said to him, “Before the rooster crows today, you will deny me three times.” 62 And he went out and wept bitterly.

From this point we only see Peter again immediately after the resurrection.  He and John go to the tomb to verify that in fact the Lord is gone.  Once this occurs we do not see or hear from Peter again until Jesus engages the group of disciples at the Sea of Tiberias,  In John 21 we see this:

4 Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any fish?” They answered him, “No.” 6 He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.”So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. 7 That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord!…”

Before we get any further let’s think about the time that has just passed and all of the emotions and turmoil that Peter must have gone through.  We first read where he has just committed an awful act of denying the Lord just as the Lord told him that he would.  He was left with the image of Christ staring at him with what I am sure is probably the most convicting look in history but yet also the most compassionate look all at the same time.  And then I am sure that as he went away from the fire to as scripture describes “weep bitterly” he assumed that his ministry was over.  He has just walked with the Lord for 3 years watching Christ heal and work many miracles.  He was part of all of the things that Christ did and watched as the Old Testament Scriptures literally were fulfilled in front of him.  Yet, when the chance came he buckled.  I, as well as you I am sure know that feeling all to well.  And if we are honest with ourselves there is nothing worse than the feeling that you are a failure to the most important people in your life.

So what kept me awake is how long did Peter feel like this?  How long was this period that Peter went through where he had to have been depressed and deeply saddened by his failures?  How long did Satan attack and remind Peter of his failures and how disappointed Christ must have been in him?

At this point I have not found any source or person that seems to know and to be honest I don’t think that the time that expired is the issue.  However I do know that it was the exact amount of time that he needed.  In this failure; as I am sure that Satan was constantly reminding him of how he had failed Christ and how he was now worthless; Christ was working and preparing Peter for the moment that He would call Peter to meet with Him again.  When He would now take a man who was broken and truly ready for a ministry and charge him with being “the rock” and beginning a ministry that reached through time and history to this writer’s soul.

And to be honest I have written and re-written the end of this several times only to erase it because it doesn’t say what my heart wants to explode upon.  So in an inelegant, ungrammatical sentence let me say it this way:  you’re going to fail,  sometimes in ways that you would never have imagined.  But when you do let Christ work through it to prepare you for what He has next for you (cause He WILL call you to His Kingdom’s work again) He will do things in your heart that you could not ever of imagined and even open things and expose things that you never saw before.  Because Christ works through the tainted, rusty, moldy, smelly vessels not the shiny, pretty, ones that have no room for Him.  I implore you to just do what Peter did when Christ calls to you…

7 …When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea.

It is this simple and impossible…you have to throw yourself into this and let Christ have Lordship.  When you fail you will want to run and hide to avoid the guilt, shame, embarrassment, and struggle but if you will let Christ make that decision instead of your flesh, He will bless you in ways that can not be written in a blog.  But in ways that will be written on the lives of the people around you and the people who Christ will bring to you to love and feed.


Incomprehensible, Revolutionary God.. Do you know Him?

I was asked this question the other day and it’s depth has cemented in my core. “Why is it so easy for people (confessing Christ followers) to stay in their sin, and to have NO desire to ever break free from it?” Haven’t they missed the whole point?

How many times have we all heard the salvation story? Thanks to the country we live in, more times than we can count. But sadly sometimes, it never goes any deeper than a simple confession of the lips and/or a long walk down the aisle. They never seem to be interested or concerned with visible sin in their lives. I’m tormented by this, and I’m praying for hearts to be broken, soft, desperate for a transformation.

Jesus didn’t just come to save us and move us into His mansion in the sky, he came to save us from the power of sin in our lives! That’s the freedom He offers. Freedom from the guilt, shame, torment, and bondage it creates in us! We are slaves to sin before we accept the blood of Jesus as our salvation. But once we accept His death as great enough to cover us, we are free from the bondage that once haunted us. This is the revolutionary power of a God that saves! Once we experience it, even when we fall, we won’t want to stay there! God has more for us! It’s a gift.

This is my prayer for us all… That those who trust Jesus will be transformed by the power of His Spirit. That we won’t miss a single ounce of His workings… The way He heals broken hearts, restores shattered relationships, they way he uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. The way he comforts the broken hearted; and frees the sinner from his addictions. They way He looks lovingly and forgivingly upon a man or woman who has done the unthinkable, gently breaks their spirit, and reveals Himself to the sinner greater than ever before. The way He hears the cry of a barren woman and His blessings end up being more than she ever imagined. They way He looks down on the innocent child that has suffered from sexual abuse and he rescues her, restores her heart, and uses her to help others who are silently hurting. The list goes. His works are never ending. His power is incomprehensible. This the God of our salvation. And He doesn’t want His children to miss it. We serve one GRACIOUS MIGHTY GOD!

God offers freedom from sin. Call on him. Break free from its bondage. And experience all that God has for you!

Rules of Engagement Make Men Cry pt.2

If you missed the first part of this blog please go here and read first to ensure that you have the proper context for this post.  As with scripture sometimes having the proper context when reading really plays a part in our ability to understand the writing.

So, my first question has to be:  Did you answer the questions?  And did you ask your spouse to provide her insight?  I feel it only right that if I am going to write these words that I expose my own failures and sins so to be honest I asked the questions and felt confident that I was right as to what she would say.  I knew that she was in Ephesians during her quiet time.  I stated it confidently and a little pridefully.  I was WRONG!  It was James,  so don’t feel bad if you were not on the side of the questions that you wanted to be or hoped that you would be.  The point is to take an assessment so that afterwards a plan of attack can be designed and then implemented.

And that is where we are now.  What should that plan look like?  Well to be honest I can’t tell you that here specifically because I believe that it is going to be different for every home in the logistics and actions.  But what I can give you is what the Holy Spirit gave me as a guide and a few that I got from guys like MacArthur, Piper, Grudem, Chandler, Chan, Jarmon, & Harrison (That is Phil, not Tyler).

I believe before we discuss the guide that we must set an understood baseline for our topic.  Meaning there are several truths that are transcendent in regards to your home, personality, number of children, background, etc.  The first is this:  You must be a man of the Word.  You may ask well that sounds great but what does that mean?  It means that you are diligently and almost as a man in the desert would drink water studying the Word.  Not as a chore or as in a ritual but out of pure desire and need.  I have reached a place in my walk that if I do not read my Bible in the morning and have that time with God I will struggle throughout the day with my whole day.  And that is not to say there aren’t struggles in the days that I do read.  But the way that I address those struggles, my clarity and insight into God’s direction for those struggles, my attitude during and after those struggles bare direct correlation to my closeness to the Word.  The way that I address my Wife, children, and co-workers all have a direct correlation to that time that I spend in the morning.

The second is this:  You must be a man of Action. There is no place in God’s Kingdom work for lazy and unmotivated husbands and dads.  Now keep perspective that you may work 15 hour days and still be a lazy husband and dad.

Now, hold tight and get ready for the Rules of Engagement.  Before I give them to you I want to give an easy generic definition of what those are for those that were not in the military.  The Rules of Engagement are the guidelines that are given to all troops when they go into a battlefield that outlines what conduct is acceptable, required, and expected.

Here are the official ITG Rules of Engagement:

1.  We must be men that develop a wartime mentality and lifestyle.
This means you must understand that life is short and that Heaven and Hell hang in the balance for your family.  That the love of your job, money, hunting, sports, cars, etc. is spiritual suicide for your family.

2.  We as husbands must love our wife the way that scripture instructs: “As Christ loved the Church”.
This means being sacrificial of our wants, desires, time, money and life.  This requires us to be humble, upbuilding, self-denying, and a happy willing spiritual leader.  All of these require that we are constantly growing in our knowledge of God and willing to cultivate a continual conversation so that we can show tenderness and strength to our helper.  And finally that we accept the responsibility of protection and provision for our families.

3.  We as men must accept that we have the primary responsibility to raise up children that are disciplined not only in life but most importantly in the Word.
We should develop a method of life that does not depend on the church or the schools to impart wisdom to our children.  Remember that you children are being taught by someone something!

4.  We as men must be men of prayer.
We have to understand that through prayer several things will and must happen for us to successful as men.  Through prayer we must ask that the Word of God be opened to our understanding.   And that God’s holiness and power will descend upon us that the we can be the primary spiritual influence in our homes.

5.  We as men must also have a deep understanding of God’s Sovereign Grace.
We have to allow the promises of Christ to be so fully trusted that His peace, joy, and strength overflow our souls.  And that our understandings and motivations will be with the clear defined purpose that God is in control.  This has to undergird every aspect of our lives.

6.  We as men must also develop a plan for life ministry.
We have to understand that God is never done with us and expects us as believers to have a ministry.  We should remember that life is divided into chapters by age, singleness, marriage, employment, children at home, children in college, grandchildren, retirement, etc.  We must understand that not one chapter of life contains all of the joys or the sorrows.  And that what determines the success of these chapters, is did we find God’s will and live it for His glory?

Basically all of this boils down to the command that Christ gave us in Luke 10:27

27 And He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, …” ESV

The reason that I titled this the “Rules of Engagement Make Men Cry” is because they do just that.  When we are young  and trying to figure all of this out the pain from failure and learning can cause tears.  It is not easy to maintain these rules or to put them into action, hence tears of pain, frustration, and complete and udder exhaustion.  But hopefully if executed properly and with God’s grace, there will be tears of joy as we see our sons, daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters seeking after Christ and trying to live this Godly legacy that they were taught.  And at the end, it will be tears of joy as we go home to see our Lord and to worship Him who preserved us  through life’s trials.

God Bless. TR

Rules of Engagement Make Men Cry pt.1

I have been almost obsessed with the movie Lone Survivor since I heard about it.  I have yet to see the movie and I know that probably sounds like a contradiction however I have watched and read nearly every YouTube clip, article, and blog about that particular Seal Team as well as the mission that I could find.

I have always had great respect for anyone who served this great country and would like to think that I have the mental fortitude to survive seal training or any other special forces training that I would enter into. Of course I know that is very easy to say now that I am too old to enlist and to heavy to run without passing out after a short distance.

But the one thing that I will say that I respect the most is the selflessness that those men seem to posses.  They are focused on the objective regardless of the hurdles, the opposition and the discomfort that it may cause them.  Now for those of you that know me you will know that the next sentence is a truthful and bare as I know how to be.  For the duration of this blog I am preaching at myself as much as I am crying out to my fellow husbands & dads.  I make this call to arms as the biggest sinner and failure of any of you.  But in that failure, pain, and sin God has blessed me with a passion to share with my fellow-men so that they can spare themselves and their families from the devastation and pain that my family and I have had to persevere through.

Now, by God’s Grace we have stood but it was not easy and the scars are permanent.  And I will forever cry out for men to adhere to God’s direction as deviations are far more costly than one might ever imagine.

And to that point I think that is the error of our ways as men.  We don’t imagine.  We don’t think. We don’t consider.  Well, that is true at least when it comes to our families spiritual well-being.  We did however absolutely consider and plan when we were boys and as even later as men the career path that we want to take, the kind of vehicle that we want to drive, the sport that we are going to be professional at.  As well as how we are going to have every type of (insert gadget, gun, or any other item here) we want when we have our own job and our own money.

And to be honest I think the sad thing is a lot of men never consider the necessity of planning their family life structure, their future stages of life, and the impact that they want to have on their wife and children.  This isn’t something that just occurs men it has to be intentional.  Children do not just turn out good it takes years of hard work and intentional time and focus.

So let me illustrate my point before I provide some of the challenges that I have received from God for my life and the future of the Harrison Clan and yes we are a clan in the full sense of the word but that is a blog for another day!

Men, answer these questions and then ask your spouse to answer them for you and see how close you get.  More than likely her answers are more on point and truthful to how life is than you want to hear.  Wives please don’t use this as a time to get your point or your agenda met.  Use this opportunity to fulfill your God designed role of a helper being gentle and loving in your responses.


Which could you answer first?
Question #1: What was Peyton Manning’s total number of touchdown this season?
Question #2:  What Book of the Bible is your wife currently reading from in her daily reading?
Question #3:  How many hours a week do you put toward your favorite hobby, activity, or self-improvement pursuit?
Question #4:  How many hours a month do you put towards reading scripture to your kids and wife to teach them the Word of God and His design, love, and hope for their life and for your family?

Now, again these questions are forms of ones that the Holy Spirit began to place on my heart as He moved me from one place in my walk to another.  So in the second part of this blog I will give you the actual Rules of Engagement as I see them for your family, your own walk and for the future of your Clan.

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