Exercise Your Heart

During the past few years of my life, I have seen the world changing more and more each day. When I was very little, I didn’t pay much attention at all but know its hard not to. Everywhere you look, people are caught up in all the worldly things. I know that I have been addicted to things around me and strayed from the word of God. It happens a lot. Also this world teaches you to be the best looking person ever and be the fittest. That’s been my problem. I’ve seen others around me that are skinnier and fitter. It pushes me to get in better shape. But all those years I’ve been missing something. Its not my body I’m suppose to be getting in better shape, it’s my heart. For the bible says, “for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come,” 1 Timothy 4:8. I’m not saying to be lazy and don’t exercise, just make sure the most important thing your exercising is your heart. God helped me in this struggle and I know that He can help you too if your dealing with the same thing as I do.

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